X. New Business

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Date Adopted: 
Thursday, May 5, 2016

X. New Business

  1. Approve salary increases for contracted support staff
  2. Approve contracts and salary increases for administrators
  3. Approve peer coaches for 2016-2017 school year
  4. Approve open enrollment request
  5. Act on employee contract terminations/reductions
  6. Approve increase in student and adult lunch and breakfast prices for next school year
  7. Approve elementary locker purchase
  8. Approve Northeast Iowa  Food & Fitness Americorps person for wellness
  9. Approve flooring bid in high school walk-in cooler and freezer
  10. Follow up discussion from community meeting on facilities
  11. Set date and time for public hearing on building project
  12. Discussion on building consultant
  13. Discussion on request for shared positions from Turkey Valley
  14. Set date and time for superintendent’s evaluation
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